WAS COMING 2009???

PUBLIC NOTICE: SacredH2O Technologies, now pureH2Otechnology will not be formulating, producing or marketing the Ed Hardy Structured or Christian Audigier bottled waters any longer. You can find our amazing water technology featured in the all new, Genesis Vortexed Water. Our cutting-edge water technology processors are availible for residential, commercial and industrial use.

CLICK HERE - It is ALL about the Water!!!


Christian Audigier Luxury Water©

CA LuxuryWater© was to be a high quality, structured, mineral infused, luxury water unlike anything on the market today. CA LuxuryWater© was to contain ORME or ORMUS - Orbitally Re-arranged Mono atomic Elements. ORME Video. We were going to apply the ingenious methods or Viktor Schauberger, David Hudson, Masaru Emoto, author of "Messages from Water" and others in the creation of the CA LuxuryWater©. By also applying the advanced BioPhoton 4.0 technology, as well as our other proprietary modailities, we at Living Waters System, formerly SacredH2O Tech, can now produce a complete re-enlivined, re-structured, pristine water that is mineral infused with Aquanutria coral calcium, Aulterra and Etherium Gold, etc., also done through our proprietary infusion process. CA LuxuryWater© was to be a a hydrogen rich, balanced pH alkaline factor, extremely low surface tension, and taste & feel great...

It was a nice dream!!!

Certain individuals now producing the Christina Audigier and Ed Hardy Structured water, which by the way has NOT been a structured water for over 3 years, have chosen to now use natural, pristine, spring source for this Christian Audigier Water line, against our recommendation to preserve these natural sources for future generations instead of depleting them. At pureH2Otechnology we DO NOT use natural, pristine water sources. Through the use of Living Waters System advanced hyper-filtration, multi-vortexing and the all new ceramic bead filtration technologies, we are able to take dead, un-enlivined water with toxic imprinting, and bring it back to life, with all the properties, taste and feel of a natural, pristine, spring source.

Sorry that you cannot try it and know for yourself that Christian Audigier Luxury Water is quite possibly the best re-enlivined, structured, luxury water you have ever FELT, TASTED and EXPERIENCED.

Was to made using the Living Waters System & TVLWM® technologies with a high concentrate of ORME, and a naturally occurring magnesium dioxide and so much more, and just like famous Ed Hardy Structured Water, we add lots of nurturing, care & love/528hz, just as we still do in the production of our current structured, re-enlivened waters. For more information - CLICK HERE!

Be sure to check out the all new Genesis Vortexed Water, coming November 2009!!! CLICK HERE

To order Genesis Vortexed Water© contact:


(619) 420-5959 - by email: aziz@pureh2otechnology.org

To find out more about aLiving Waters System© contact :



CA LUXURY WATER - COPYCLAIM/COPYRIGHT © 2008 Light Enterprises, RF Technologies, Living Waters System, pureH2Otechnology

All rights reserved under the Authority Most High

Unauthorized reproduction is strictly prohibited
